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Office Colocolo  C3000  NITOMS

Office Colocolo C3000 NITOMS

【order ID】3035255
【basic item number】C3000
【brand name】NITOMS
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】Nitoms, Inc.
【Country of origin】Japan

For multi-purpose use and can be used on any types of flooring.One side is dry edge and it catches dust in corners.High cushioning polyethylene tape also catches uneven surface and solid objects.Tape has original gap perforations that make it easy to tear and peel off.W x L (mm):225 x 560 to 1030Tape Size:187mm W x 30 roundsGrip: Polypropylene (PP)Tape: Cushioning adhesive coated PE

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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