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Filter for Filtration Pleats Filter WST Single Open End Silicon Gasket  W-004-S-SO-S  AION

Filter for Filtration Pleats Filter WST Single Open End Silicon Gasket W-004-S-SO-S AION

【order ID】4102258
【basic item number】W004SSOS
【brand name】AION
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】AION Co., Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan

WST is an extremely economical pleated cartridge filter that uses polypropylene non-woven fabric compliant with FDA standards.As it has a high particle collection capability with a filtration precision of 99.9% relative to the displayed precision, the life of a filter can be drastically improved when this is used as the pre-filter of a membrane filter.Filtration of pure water and solvents used in the industrial field of electronics and semiconductors.Filtration Precision (?Em):0.4Inner Diameter x Outer Diameter x L (mm):26.6 x 70 x 261Max Working Temperature: 80CRecommended replacement differential pressure: 0.20MPaAll FDA compliant polypropyleneGasket: Silicone

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