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Air Impact Wrench  JAP651  KTC

Air Impact Wrench JAP651 KTC

【order ID】7946007
【basic item number】JAP651
【brand name】KTC
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】KYOTO TOOL CO., LTD.
【Country of origin】0

Environmentally friendly, low noise, low air consumption type.Composite material (special reinforced resin) is used as the body, achieving lightweight, high strength and high durability.New model of a twin hammer with high power and lightweight.New air motor adopting 7-sheet vanes realized high speed rotation efficiency.It is a teething throttle which can adjust the rotation speed with the trigger pulling condition.It is a 360 sebel inlet that prevents twisting of the hose.For car maintenance etc.Capacity Bolt Diameter (mm):33Socket Input Drive (mm):19.0Max Tightening Torque (N\m):1600No Load Speed (min[[UE-1]]):5000Air consumption([[M3]]/min):0.16Hose Mounting Port:PT3/8Exhaust:DownwardTotal Length (mm):218.0Hammer Type:Twin HammerWorking Air Pressure: 0.6 to 0.7MPa

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