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Air Impact Screwdriver  GT-P5XD  VESSEL
Air Impact Screwdriver  GT-P5XD  VESSEL
Air Impact Screwdriver  GT-P5XD  VESSEL
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Air Impact Screwdriver  GT-P5XD  VESSEL
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Air Impact Screwdriver  GT-P5XD  VESSEL
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Air Impact Screwdriver  GT-P5XD  VESSEL

Air Impact Screwdriver GT-P5XD VESSEL

【order ID】7920172
【basic item number】GTP5XD
【brand name】VESSEL
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】VESSEL CO.,INC.
【Country of origin】Japan

Oil injection type hammer kept vibration and noise low.Lubricating oil of the striking part prevents the unexpected rotation stop by burning of parts during work.As it is lightweight and compact, it can be easily used by women.Screw tightening work can be done quickly with high-speed rotation.Rubber grip absorbs vibration and reduces workload during work.Smooth start is possible with the 2-stage throttle.For assembly and tightening of various industrial products.Bit Insertion Port (mm):6.35Capacity Screw Dimension (mm):4 to 5Max Tightening Torque (N\m):-No Load Speed (min[[UE-1]]):11000Air consumption([[M3]]/min):0.33Hose Intake Port:Rc 1/4Exhaust:BackTotal Length (mm):172Working Air Pressure: 0.6MPaEquipped with the silencer that exhaust direction can be changed for 360Chuck Type: Bit Sleeve Type

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