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TREPICA Washing Cloth  GP003  aisen

TREPICA Washing Cloth GP003 aisen

【order ID】8194778
【basic item number】GP003
【brand name】aisen
【minimum order quantity】1Sheet
【manufacturer name】Aisen Co., LTD.
【Country of origin】Japan

The 0.045mm ultra-fine brush Torepica will scratch off the dirt from narrow to large grooves with its strong nylon brush.Microfiber with sharp edge in the section will firmly scrape and keep the dirt.Torepica, and Velor style microfiber are both structured with less friction against the cleaning surface, so work can be done with less load.Dirt that sticks can be washed easily in the washing machine.For cleaing uneven or flat floor, and walls.L x W (mm):180 x 250Polyester, NylonPlease avoid using other than the original applications.

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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