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021009  Pebeo

021009 Pebeo

【order ID】5939881
【basic item number】021009
【brand name】Pebeo
【minimum order quantity】1
【manufacturer name】Pebeo Japon
【Country of origin】China
A water-based acrylic paint for pottery that can be easily baked in a home oven.

For ceramics

Color: Anthracite black

A paint for ceramics that can be easily fired in your home oven.
The work will be fixed by placing it in the oven at room temperature without preheating and baking it at a low temperature of 150℃ for 35 minutes.
You can also touch up with water or alcohol before baking. - After printing, the color will not fade even if washed with water.
AP mark. Since it is a water-based paint that is harmless to the human body and safe, you can safely use the work as a vessel in your daily life.
You can easily draw freely like a marker pen.
Easy to use even for children.
If the ink does not come out easily, press the pen tip against the paper several times to soak up the paint sufficiently before use.
Please store the marker horizontally after opening.

Acrylic binder, pigment, water

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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