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Rooty Anchor  PC-3060X  UNIKA

Rooty Anchor PC-3060X UNIKA

Reliable installation is possible by simply driving in a pin.
You can reliably confirm that driving has been completed just by looking at the pin.
A label showing the pilot hole drill diameter and barcode is affixed to each piece for sale separately.
If you open the small box and display it, you can sell it immediately, and we have added a POP function for sales promotion.

Architectural, electrical, sanitary, heating and cooling work, signboard/chair installation, machinery installation work, etc.

Screw designation: W3/8
Prepared hole diameter (mm): 10.0
Embedding depth (mm): 40
Total length x screw length x maximum usage thickness: 60 x 25 x 5mm



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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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