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Anti-Slip Tape  260303  GREEN CROSS

Anti-Slip Tape 260303 GREEN CROSS

【order ID】1221224
【basic item number】260303 7047
【brand name】GREEN CROSS
【minimum order quantity】1Roll
【manufacturer name】
【Country of origin】0
It is a "fluorescent" anti-slip tape with excellent visibility and stands out even in dimly lit places.

Can be used both indoors and outdoors. (Excluding places where walking barefoot is expected) - For slippery places such as stairs and slopes.
For flat surfaces.

Color: Fluorescent orange
Width (mm): 50
Length (m): 5
Thickness (mm): 0.6
Adhesive strength (N/25mm): 11.5
Tensile strength (N/25mm): 85
Separate Can be written: Not possible
Type (indoor/outdoor): For both indoor and outdoor use
Can be written: Not possible

Mineral particle processing
Type with release paper
Installation method: Paste type

Base material: Soft vinyl chloride
Surface: Mineral particles
Adhesive: Acrylic

【Set contents/accessories】

When installing on asphalt or concrete surfaces, please use a primer (sold separately).
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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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