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Antielectric Joint Mat  MR-009-194-1  TERAMOTO

Antielectric Joint Mat MR-009-194-1 TERAMOTO

【order ID】8364966
【basic item number】MR0091941
【brand name】TERAMOTO
【minimum order quantity】1Sheet
【manufacturer name】TERAMOTO corporation
【Country of origin】Japan

A 300 x 300mm joint type charge control mat.Measures can be taken easily by connecting enough for the required area on a floor where static electricity is a concern.For places where there is a need to suppress static electricity.Color:GreenType:Middle Edge FemaleW x L (mm):75 x 300Thickness (mm):13.5Surface Resistivity: 9 x 10[[UE7]]?TPO Resin(olefinic thermoplastic elastomer), Conductive Material

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