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Option Parts for Vacuum Cleaner  APPQO-OP  AQUA SYSTEM

Option Parts for Vacuum Cleaner APPQO-OP AQUA SYSTEM

【order ID】4747399
【basic item number】APPQOOP 1201
【brand name】AQUA SYSTEM
【minimum order quantity】1Can
【manufacturer name】AQUA SYSTEM CO.LTD.
【Country of origin】0

A type made of steel(inner surface with bronze varnish processing)and capable of removing the whole top board(lid).Can be used for storage of kerosene, light oil, oil, etc. and collection of dust, cutting powder, chips, rubbish, etc.Compatible Model:APPQO, APPQOG, APPQO400, APPQO550, EVC-550Steel(inner surface with bronze varnish processing)Cannot be used for liquid that corrodes aluminum.

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