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Hand Diaphragm Pump  KT-HDOS-32ALB  AQUA SYSTEM
Hand Diaphragm Pump  KT-HDOS-32ALB  AQUA SYSTEM
Hand Diaphragm Pump  KT-HDOS-32ALB  AQUA SYSTEM
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Hand Diaphragm Pump  KT-HDOS-32ALB  AQUA SYSTEM
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Hand Diaphragm Pump  KT-HDOS-32ALB  AQUA SYSTEM

Hand Diaphragm Pump KT-HDOS-32ALB AQUA SYSTEM

【order ID】4100492
【basic item number】KTHDOS32ALB
【brand name】AQUA SYSTEM
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】AQUA SYSTEM CO.LTD.
【Country of origin】Japan

Manual pump that can be reliable at the time of disaster emergency and no power supply.You can suck and supply water while standing, so you do not get tired even after long hours of use.A large amount of water can be pumped out with little force.(a bucket in approx. 15 sec)Priming not required, 8m suction, and 5m uplift.For water supply and drainage at the time of disaster.For transfer of water, sewage, oil, waste liquid, etc.Discharge Rate (cc/stroke):1300Connection Port Diameter:Rc1'1/4Available Viscosity: 5000mPa\S or lessMain body: Aluminum castingPacking: Nitrile rubber(NBR)(reinforced cloth included)PVC discharge hose 5mPVC suction hose 3mA set of lever couplingStrainer

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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