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Cone Holder L Cone Paper L  CHL-S  AC

Cone Holder L Cone Paper L CHL-S AC

【order ID】4070356
【basic item number】CHLS
【brand name】AC
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】ICHIGUCHI CORPORATION
【Country of origin】Japan

A long size compared to conventional cone papers increases work efficiency.It is possible to perform smooth polishing work with a soft dedicated holder that fits nicely.Made in Japan abrasive material is used.Polishing of the curved surfaces and inner surfaces of aluminum wheels and aluminum die casts.Outer Diameter x W x Shaft Diameter x Shaft Length (mm):12 x 30 x 6 x 40Max Working Rotation Speed (rpm):20000RubberMetal

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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