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Inside Polisher  IP-10-320  AC

Inside Polisher IP-10-320 AC

【order ID】3972151
【basic item number】IP10320
【brand name】AC
【minimum order quantity】10Pcs
【manufacturer name】ICHIGUCHI CORPORATION
【Country of origin】Japan

Polishing cloths have been layered and wrapped with slack so that they fit perfectly along the inner diameter of pipes.The action of centrifugal force spreads the polishing cloths and perfectly polishes the inner side of the pipe without missing any spots.Because it is cone shaped, it can be inserted into the pipe while it is rotating.Rounding the openings of pipes.Rust remover.Polishing the inner surface of pipes.Grain Size (#):320Shape:UmbrellaOuter Diameter x W x Shaft Diameter x Shaft Length (mm):20 x 25 x 6 x 40

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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