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Bearing Separator  BS2  SUPER TOOL
Bearing Separator  BS2  SUPER TOOL
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Bearing Separator  BS2  SUPER TOOL

Bearing Separator BS2 SUPER TOOL

【order ID】2884623
【basic item number】BS2
【brand name】SUPER TOOL
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】SUPER TOOL co. ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan

With claw thickness of 1mm or less, it can be inserted in a narrow gap.A type that tightens both nuts alternately.An optimum auxiliary tool for pulling out bearings and gears that do not have crevices into which the claws can enter with G/GL type.Bore diameter size (mm):9 to 115Compatible Puller:GL6, PP2W (mm):110Bolt Length (mm):205Main Body Screw Diameter (mm):M12Breaking Load (kN):100

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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