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Flanged Unit Cast Housing Set Screw type  UCFX20D1  NTN

Flanged Unit Cast Housing Set Screw type UCFX20D1 NTN

【order ID】8197176
【basic item number】UCFX20D1 1260
【brand name】NTN
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【Country of origin】0

The shape of the bearing housing is square and it is designed to be attached such as to the side wall of the machine by 4 bolts, also the structure around the bearing is simple and easy to install, so it is most widely used in the flange type.For transmission devices and general machinery.Shaft Diameter (mm):100Total Length (mm):268Total Height (mm):268Mounting Pitch (mm):211Mounting Screw:M27Oil-lubrication type square flanged shapeLock Screw TypeWorking Temperature Range: -15 to 100CBearing: High carbon chromium steel bearingBearing Housing: Cast Iron

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