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Air Motor  F-6SM-28  FUJI

Air Motor F-6SM-28 FUJI

【order ID】8106652
【basic item number】F-6SM-28
【brand name】FUJI
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】Fuji Industrial Technique Co,Ltd
【Country of origin】Japan
A small, lightweight, and powerful motor that rotates only in the right direction.

For various drives.

Total length (mm): 167
Air consumption ([[M3]]/min): 0.34
No-load rotation speed (rpm): 2800
Spindle shape: Notch type
Maximum torque (N・m): 3.9
Connection Diameter: PT1/4
Air pressure (MPa): 0.63
Maximum output (kW): 0.29

Using air pressure: 0.63MPa
Clockwise rotation only machine


【Set contents/accessories】

Please check the spindle shape when ordering.
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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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