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Corner Pad(for 1 piece)  CP-1-C100  LOCKSLING

Corner Pad(for 1 piece) CP-1-C100 LOCKSLING

【order ID】4675550
【basic item number】CP1C100
【brand name】LOCKSLING
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】MEIDAI CO.,LTD
【Country of origin】Japan

Corner pads for belt slings that have been processed with special resin and are strong against wear.In case when wearing out, etc., and the white thread is exposed, the position for where it comes in contact with should be changed, etc., for further use.When lifting an object with sharp corners.Compatible Belt Width (mm):100Total Length (mm):500Pad dimension(mm)W x Thickness:300 x 3.2Type:Made of VelcroPolyesterOperable temperature 100C or lowerNot chemical resistant.When a load with an edge skids sideways, the effect of the corner pad may be almost eliminated.

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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