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Blind Nut Rivets(Steel)  NSD4M  LOBSTER

Blind Nut Rivets(Steel) NSD4M LOBSTER

【order ID】1259920
【basic item number】NSD4M
【brand name】LOBSTER
【minimum order quantity】1Box
【manufacturer name】LOBTEX CO.,LTD.
【Country of origin】Japan

LOBSTER Nut is a blind fastener that has the functions of both nuts and rivets.Can be installed easily from one side on thin materials and pipes where tapping is difficult and plastic sheets that cannot be welded.A dedicated LOBTEX nutter can be used to adjust the stroke appropriately for the caulking board thickness and create uniform finishing.Caulking Board Thickness (mm):1.0 to 2.0Pilot Hole Diameter (mm):6.1Applicable Screw:M4 x 0.70Nut Outer Diameter (mm):6Total Length (mm):11.5Flange thickness(mm):0.8Flat Fillister HeadPackaged in a boxSteel (SWCH)

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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