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Wide Broom  394626  NIHON CLEAN-TECH

Wide Broom 394626 NIHON CLEAN-TECH

【order ID】2507716
【basic item number】394626
【brand name】NIHON CLEAN-TECH
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】NIHON CLEAN-TECH CO.,LTD
【Country of origin】China
Wide tip allows sweeping quickly and easily.
It is a semi-long type wide broom.
Hard tip suitable for cleaning dirt and coarse garbage.

Hard tip suitable for cleaning dirt and coarse garbage
For cleaning floors with coarse surfaces.

Width (mm): 270
Length (mm): 910
Type: Red fern
Ear length (mm): 120
Depth (mm): 25


Ear: Allen fiber
Handle: Bamboo laminated wood
Instep: Polyethylene

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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