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317-701  UNIT

317-701 UNIT

【order ID】1056994
【basic item number】317-701
【brand name】UNIT
【minimum order quantity】1Sheet
【manufacturer name】UNIT safety signs Co.,Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan
You can put A3 paper in your pocket and post it in a temporary fence.
The magnetic fixed cover prevents rain from entering.
A general-purpose type that can be used for various purposes.
Can be directly attached to the temporary enclosure using tapping screws etc. (sold separately).

For posting on temporary enclosure flat panels at construction sites.

Dimensions (mm): 397 x 475
Description: Pocket type rainproof type, for A3 paper, 4 5mmφ holes
Contents: Plain


Surface part: Transparent PVC
Back base material part: Aluminum composite board

【Set contents/accessories】

Customers must prepare tapping screws, etc. for installation.
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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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