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weiler_coppercenter_aver  772200  BURRTEC

weiler_coppercenter_aver 772200 BURRTEC

【order ID】8051636
【basic item number】772200
【brand name】BURRTEC
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】BURRTEC CO.,LTD.
【Country of origin】U.S.A
Weiler Nyrox Copercenter Foil Brush, Mounting Arbor for Weiler Copercenter Foil Brush


Shaft diameter (mm): 6.4
Screw length (mm): 19
Applicable hole diameter (mm): 9.5


S: Steel (main body)

【Set contents/accessories】

Choose the type of machine and power brush that match the purpose of use (application). Using a model other than the compatible model or using it for purposes other than its intended use may lead to accidents and is dangerous. Please do not use it for any purpose other than its intended purpose.
Please check the maximum allowable rotation speed (peripheral speed) printed on the package, label, catalog, and other related documents, and use the product within the allowable range. Please avoid using more than this at all costs.
When operating the power brush, be sure to wear the brush protective cover, gloves, hard hat, dust-proof protective goggles, and mask to ensure safe work.
In general, when operating a power brush, burrs, scale, dirt, slag, etc. are scattered with considerable force along with the filament (wire fragments), so please keep away from items that are easily flammable, explosive, or easily damaged. Also, be sure to wear clothing that does not expose your skin to avoid direct contact with the grinding powder, such as hands, feet, etc.
If the wire brush filament (wire fragments) or grinding powder scatters, it is dangerous, so people around the work (within 15m from the brush) should also wear protective goggles and protective clothing during work. (As a consideration for people other than the workers, please install curtains, etc., or instruct people to shut off the area.)
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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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