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usb cable  BSUCC312P3A10BK  BUFFALO

usb cable BSUCC312P3A10BK BUFFALO

【Features】-USB C to C cable compatible with the latest standard USB3.1 Gen2 (regularly certified) - Maximum transfer speed (standard value) of USB3.1 (Gen2) is 10Gbps, compared to the conventional USB3.0 maximum transfer speed It is twice as fast as 5Gbps.
TypeC connector is a reversible connector and can be inserted and used either front or back.
Alternative mode also supports DisplayPort and MHL.
Compatible with "USB Power Delivery".
Capable of supplying power up to 3A DC20V (60W).
Compatible with Macbook (model released in 2015).


Color: Black

USB3.1 Gen2 cable (C to C) USB Power Delivery compatible 3A 1.0m Black


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