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Polyurethane Hose  CH-4-20  CHIYODA

Polyurethane Hose CH-4-20 CHIYODA

【order ID】8082619
【basic item number】CH-4-20
【brand name】CHIYODA
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】CHIYODA TSUSHO CO.,LTD
【Country of origin】Japan
Transparent so you can see inside the hose.
Excellent flexibility.
Chiyoda hose fitting can be installed.
Excellent heat and cold resistance.
Excellent oil resistance.

Various air piping

Color: Transparent
Outer diameter (mm): 16
Inner diameter (mm): 11
Fluid used: Compressed air
Total length (m): 20

Fluid temperature (℃): -5 to 60℃
Working pressure: 0.6MPa
Working vacuum pressure: -100KPa

Body: Polyurethane

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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