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Nitrile Gloves With Lining  558802  HO-KEN

Nitrile Gloves With Lining 558802 HO-KEN

【order ID】1589189
【basic item number】558802
【brand name】HO-KEN
【minimum order quantity】1
【manufacturer name】CHUBU BUSSAN BOEKI CO.,ltd.
【Country of origin】Viet Nam
Excellent puncture and oil resistance.
It is light and fits well in your hand.

Work that handles metals, machining, and oils

Color: Blue
Size: L
Total length (cm): 26
Palm circumference (cm): 24
Middle finger length (cm): 760
Thickness (mm): 0.9
Slip resistance: Yes
Food Sanitation Law: Compatible
Fleece: None
Lining fabric: Yes


Front: Nitrile rubber
Back: 100% cotton

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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