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PTFE Adhesive Tape  ASF121FR-13X10  CHUKOH FLO

PTFE Adhesive Tape ASF121FR-13X10 CHUKOH FLO

【order ID】4861850
【basic item number】ASF121FR13X10
【brand name】CHUKOH FLO
【minimum order quantity】1Roll
【manufacturer name】Chukoh Chemical Industries,Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan

Tape excellent in surface flatness with small shrinking under high temperature.Teflon[[TMU]] PTFE made adhesive tape.Heat-resistant binding of various coils and harnesses.Assisting sliding of shooters and hoppers.Protecting heat sealing bar.W x L (mm x m):10 x 10Thickness (mm):0.13Color: GrayWorking temperature: -60 to 200UL Standard ProductBase Material: Fluorine Resin (PTFE)Adhesive: Silicone Type

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