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Drop & Mop  002167  FiZZiON

Drop & Mop 002167 FiZZiON

【order ID】7629265
【basic item number】002167
【brand name】FiZZiON
【minimum order quantity】1Pack
【manufacturer name】FiZZiON
【Country of origin】U.S.A
Can be used diluted from tablets, making it highly economical.
Please dilute 1 tablet with 18 ounces (approximately 511 ml) of water.
Can be used for multiple purposes.
For wooden, vinyl floors, linoleum, and marble floors
A highly safe environmental detergent.
Suitable for use with a regular mop or by injecting into the handle of a spray mop.

Cleaning of all dirt, floors, and walls in the factory.

Liquid: weakly alkaline

Dilution type
Container shape: Spray type
15 tablets included

Main ingredients: baking soda, citric acid, oxidizing agent

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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