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Limescale Remover GLASS POWER  2032  Sonical

Limescale Remover GLASS POWER 2032 Sonical

【order ID】3819774
【basic item number】2032 3857
【brand name】Sonical
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】Sonical,inc
【Country of origin】0
A glass cleaner that can easily and quickly remove attached scale dirt (scale) without damaging the surface.
Easily remove scale stains by simply applying an appropriate amount to the included polishing cloth and rubbing.
It can also be used for scale stains on the caran.

For removing scale stains from the surfaces of mirrors, glass, stones, and tiles in bathrooms, hot springs, pools, etc.


With polishing cloth

Ingredients: Surfactant, ceramic paste, auxiliary agent

【Set contents/accessories】
Abrasive cloth x 1 piece

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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