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Magiclean  4901301237927  Kao

Magiclean 4901301237927 Kao

【order ID】1595460
【basic item number】237927 2253
【brand name】Kao
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】Kao Corporation.
【Country of origin】0
It also removes stains such as windows, mirrors, glass tables, showcases, etc. that are cloudy with dust or hand grime, leaving them with a shiny, transparent finish.
No double wiping and leaves no streaks.
Adhesive foam spray that doesn't drip.

Spray and wipe off immediately with a dry cloth. (No need to spray twice.)
Can be used on windows, mirrors, glass cases, car window glass, etc.
Can be used with steel, vinyl, plastic, and enamel products.

Capacity (ml): 350

Glass/mirror detergent

Ingredients: Surfactant (0.4% alkenyl succinic acid potassium salt), foam regulator

【Set contents/accessories】

Cannot be used on plain wood, furniture, wall materials, etc., painted surfaces such as lacquer, painted surfaces of automobiles, and LCD/plasma display screens that can soak into water.
Be careful not to splash onto the painted surfaces of floors or furniture. (There is a risk of discoloration.)
For areas higher than eyes, use a sponge or cloth to wipe.
If it gets into your eyes, rinse immediately with running water without rubbing.
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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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