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Conc. Detergent for Work Clothes refill pack  304107-B  KANEYO

Conc. Detergent for Work Clothes refill pack 304107-B KANEYO

【order ID】3922647
【basic item number】304107-B
【brand name】KANEYO
【minimum order quantity】1
【manufacturer name】KANEYO SOAP CO., LTD.
【Country of origin】Japan
Powerfully cleans tough stains from uniforms, work clothes, jumpsuits, street clothes, white coats, work gloves, etc.
If you apply this agent directly to the stain and wash it, the cleaning ingredients will act directly on the stubborn stain and remove it strongly.

Powerfully cleans tough stains from uniforms, work clothes, jumpsuits, street clothes, white coats, work gloves, etc.

Dilution ratio: 1
Capacity (ml): 700
Liquid: Weakly alkaline
Capacity (cc): -
Type: Straight
Fragrance: Blue citrus
Ingredients: Surfactant (50%, higher alcohol type (non-ionic) )), solvents, alkaline agents, stabilizers



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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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