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Magiclean  4901301310224  Kao

Magiclean 4901301310224 Kao

【order ID】7854471
【basic item number】4901301310224
【brand name】Kao
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】Kao Corporation.
【Country of origin】Japan
The foam sticks to dirt and is effective, so you can cleanly remove hot water stains and sebum stains from bathtubs, etc.
Spray-type bathroom detergent that uses the power of foam to remove without scrubbing*. *If the stain is severe, rub it lightly with a sponge and rinse it off.
Neutral type.

In the bathtub (daily cleaning), wet the entire area with a shower, etc., then spray on the dirt, leave for 20 to 30 seconds, and rinse. If it is very dirty, please rub it lightly with a sponge and rinse it off.
For floors, walls, wash basins, chairs, etc., spray directly onto the stains, rub lightly with a sponge, and rinse.

Capacity (ml): 380

Bathroom synthetic detergent

Ingredients: Surfactant (6% alkyl betaine), foam regulator, metal sequestering agent

【Set contents/accessories】

Some bathtubs, floors, and walls may turn white, so check in an inconspicuous place before use. Do not leave it for more than 10 minutes.
Do not use on marble. (Can be used for artificial marble.)
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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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