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Take Mold VAN  S-2426  SYK

Take Mold VAN S-2426 SYK

【order ID】7546564
【basic item number】S2426
【brand name】SYK
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】0
【Country of origin】Japan

Powerful type for professional use. In addition to rubber packing and tile grout in the bathroom, it removes tough black mold biting into silicone caulking and stops unpleasant mold odor.Gel type and it is difficult to scatter. It penetrates into the root of mold and becomes effective in short period of time.Removal of mold growing in silicone caulking, rubber packing, tile grout, shower curtain, and small articles in the bathroom.Capacity (g):250Principal component: Nonionic surfactant

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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