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Little Bubble Clean  S-2773  SYK

Little Bubble Clean S-2773 SYK

【order ID】7606427
【basic item number】S2773
【brand name】SYK
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】0
【Country of origin】Japan

Optimum for oil stains from various kinds of machine tools, parts, ship, aircraft, vehicle, etc. and burned oil stains on metal surface.Also optimum for cleaning finger marks, tobacco nicotine and tar etc. attached to office appliances in office.Low forming and it is difficult to get foamy. It can be used under high temperature of up to 80.For machine factory, food factory and for cleaning other machine tools.Capacity (kg):20Principal component: Surfactant, pH adjuster, glycol, chelating agentLiquid property: Alkaline

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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