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Wet&dry Vacuum Attachment  35081  tanQest

Wet&dry Vacuum Attachment 35081 tanQest

【order ID】3684280
【basic item number】35081
【brand name】tanQest
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】Kowa Co.,Ltd.
【Country of origin】China
Can be connected to commercial rechargeable stick-type cleaners and rechargeable backpack-type cleaners from various companies.
Multi-layer structure with 4 layers and 6 layers and deodorizing/water-absorbing polymer absorbs and collects liquids and dirt without escaping, allowing you to dispose of the entire pack without touching the dirt.
Uses a high-performance clean filter.
Prevents fine dust and bacteria from entering the exhaust air.
There is a deodorant insertion pocket at the rear of the filter.
Specially shaped nozzle collects liquid without escaping.

For commercial rechargeable stick type cleaners

Compatible models: Rechargeable stick type cleaner for commercial use, rechargeable backpack cleaner
Width (mm): 141
Depth (mm): 207
Height (mm): 435

Body dimensions: Width approx. 141mm x Depth approx. 207mm x Length approx. 435mm
Overall dimensions: Width approx. 141mm x Depth approx. 207mm x Length approx. 648mm
When using aluminum: Width approx. 141mm x Depth approx. 207mm x Length approx. 798mm
Wet and dry use


【Set contents/accessories】

Please use with products with a battery voltage of 14.4V or higher.
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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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