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Whiz i  Paper pack  574693  IRIS

Whiz i Paper pack 574693 IRIS

【order ID】3547669
【basic item number】574693
【brand name】IRIS
【minimum order quantity】1Pack
【manufacturer name】IRIS OHYAMA Inc.
【Country of origin】China
Whiz i genuine replacement consumables.
This is a paper pack exclusively for Whiz i.
Easy to dispose of trash, large capacity 6.3L.

Replacement parts for Whiz i.

Product name: 10 paper packs
Compatible model: 574732 (Whiz i)
Width (mm): 315
Depth (mm): 260
Height (mm): 5



【Set contents/accessories】

If you are using the main unit (574732), you must register to start using it. Please be sure to check this before purchasing the main unit.
Items cannot be taken out of Japan or used outside of Japan.
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Sold out
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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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