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Vacuum Cleaner Accessory Set filter bags-fleece 25L  6.907-478.0  KARCHER

Vacuum Cleaner Accessory Set filter bags-fleece 25L 6.907-478.0 KARCHER

【order ID】3262276
【basic item number】6.907-478.0
【brand name】KARCHER
【minimum order quantity】1
【manufacturer name】Kaercher
【Country of origin】Germany
A standard accessory for both dry and wet cleaners.
It collects more dry garbage such as dust and sand, and can also be used to collect strong and sharp garbage.

Synthetic fiber filter bags boast about twice the dust collection and cleaning area compared to regular paper filter bags (our comparison).
Moreover, it is a high-performance filter that does not easily reduce suction power.

Width (mm): 220
Depth (mm): 310
Height (mm): 55
Information: Only 1 sheet included as standard equipment
Order number: 6.907-478.0

Contains 5 synthetic fiber filter bags
Only 1 piece is included with standard equipment
NT 25/1 Ap: Standard specification


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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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