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Hammer Drill  GSH9VC  BOSCH

Hammer Drill GSH9VC BOSCH

【order ID】4935675
【basic item number】GSH9VC
【brand name】BOSCH
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】Robert Bosch GmbH
【Country of origin】Germany

An anti-vibration design that reduced the operator's fatigue.A powerful striking force of 16J.A vario-lock mechanism.A dial type stepless variable speed mechanism for constant speed.Number of Blows (min[[UE-1]]):1370 to 2720Rated Ampere (A):-Electricity Consumption (W):1350Power supply: AC100VPower Cord Length: 4mStriking force(conventional measurement method): 6.5 to 16JStrike force(EPAT procedure): 4.5 to 11JPolyamide Resin

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