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Nozzle c/w Magnet for Supplying Cutting Fluid  TMN-1  TRUSCO

Nozzle c/w Magnet for Supplying Cutting Fluid TMN-1 TRUSCO

【order ID】2198592
【basic item number】TMN1
【brand name】TRUSCO
【minimum order quantity】1Set
【Country of origin】Israel

800N Powerful magnet allows easy installation in any position.The angle and direction of the nozzle can be freely determined.Additional threaded holes Rc1/4 are drilled so you can use two nozzles.Two independent threaded holes are provided.For cutting fluid supply.Number of Nozzles:1Nozzle Length (mm):320Hole Diameter:1/4Adhesion Strength (N):800Cutting fluid inlet:13.5mmValve:YesMaximum working fluid pressure (kg/[[CM2]])):3.46Adaption fluid: water-soluble cutting fluid, oil cutting fluid

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