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Medium Function Rail Parts(D30)  12T51WH  OKADA

Medium Function Rail Parts(D30) 12T51WH OKADA

【order ID】2026137
【basic item number】12T51WH
【brand name】OKADA
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】
【Country of origin】Japan
【Features】-Optional for D30 functional rail/gap seat rail "Black" and "White".
Brackets are metal fittings that attach rails to structures.
Used when the ceiling surface is flat.

When attaching the rail to the ceiling.

Product name: Ceiling S bracket white
Compatible rail: D30 rail
Dimensions (mm): 12 x 55 x 25
Mounting hole diameter (mm): Φ4.2 square


Steel/white paint

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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