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Cut Resistant Gloves  813  OTAFUKU

Cut Resistant Gloves 813 OTAFUKU

【order ID】8355571
【basic item number】813
【brand name】OTAFUKU
【minimum order quantity】1Pair
【manufacturer name】OTAFUKU GLOVE CO., LTD.
【Country of origin】
【Features】- Cut-resistant gloves that are safe to use when using knives or transporting glass.
The inside is made of 100% cotton, which is gentle on the skin and has excellent sweat absorption.

For outdoor activities, sports, general work, etc.

Color: Yellow
Size: Free
Cut resistance level: -/-


【Material/Finish】-Front: 100% aramid fiber -Back: 100% cotton

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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