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Purelet S Pouch Deodorization  5948212  CxS

Purelet S Pouch Deodorization 5948212 CxS

【order ID】1050678
【basic item number】5948212
【brand name】CxS
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】CxS Corporation
【Country of origin】Japan

Easily removes the dirt remaining on the toilet seat and quickly dry.As there are no remaining components after use, the toilet seats are not damaged.Can also be used for heated toilet seats.The ethanol and surfactant effects can quickly sterilize the bacteria.The displeasing odor is deodorized by the double effects of mint scent masking effect and odor neutralizing technology.For cleaning/disinfection of toilet seat.Capacity (ml):300

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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