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Art Disc AD  AD100Z40  RESIBON

Art Disc AD AD100Z40 RESIBON

【order ID】8524910
【basic item number】AD100Z40
【brand name】RESIBON
【minimum order quantity】10Sheet
【Country of origin】Japan
There is less clogging and smooth grinding and polishing continues.
A polishing disc that provides a comfortable feeling of use with low vibration and low noise.

Polishing work for general steel and cast iron.

Particle size (#): 40
Outer diameter (mm): 100
Blade length (mm): 15
Hole diameter (mm): 15
Maximum operating speed (rpm): 13600
Number of blades (sheets): 72
Disc paper abrasive material: Z

Tool used: Electric disc grinder

【Material/Finish】-Abrasive material: alumina, binder: thermosetting resin, base material: glass fiber

【Set contents/accessories】

The grinder's whetstone cover must be attached strictly.
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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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