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Cloth in Wheel  CIW100A40  NRS

Cloth in Wheel CIW100A40 NRS

【order ID】8278501
【basic item number】CIW100A40
【brand name】NRS
【minimum order quantity】5Sheet
【manufacturer name】NEWREGISTON Co., Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan
Uses a cross-in board to absorb vibrations and bumps.
Uses new paper for improved performance.
You can easily change from 15 holes to 16 holes by removing the blue bush.
This is a sister product to the cross-in-foil one-touch type.
A common type that can be used with both electric grinders and air grinders.

Bead removal for general steel and stainless steel.
Deburring and surface polishing work.
A: For general steel and stainless steel (light grinding and polishing of thin plates).
BZ: For general steel and stainless steel (light grinding/polishing of thick plates and thin plates, bead removal).

Particle size (#): 40
Outer diameter (mm): 100
Hole diameter (mm): 15
Abrasive material: A
Maximum operating speed (rpm): 13750
Maximum operating peripheral speed (m/s): 72

For polishing
Vibration absorption paper wheel


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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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