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Dual Disc DD  DD100AA80  RESIBON

Dual Disc DD DD100AA80 RESIBON

【order ID】8524962
【basic item number】DD100AA80
【brand name】RESIBON
【minimum order quantity】5Sheet
【Country of origin】Thailand
A polishing disc that has a composite structure with a special base material to achieve soft-touch polishing work.

Polishing work for general steel.

Particle size (#): 80
Outer diameter (mm): 100
Blade length (mm): 25
Hole diameter (mm): 15
Maximum operating speed (rpm): 12600
Number of blades (sheets): 60
Disc paper abrasive material: AA
Specifications: S

Tool used: Electric disc grinder

【Material/Finish】-Abrasive material: alumina, binder: thermosetting resin, base material: glass fiber

【Set contents/accessories】

The grinder's whetstone cover must be attached strictly.
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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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