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Plastic Name Basket Wide  4582-W  inomata

Plastic Name Basket Wide 4582-W inomata

【order ID】6528030
【basic item number】4582-W
【brand name】inomata
【minimum order quantity】1
【manufacturer name】INOMATA KAGAKU CO.,LTD
【Country of origin】Japan
Items stored on tall wall bookshelves can be easily identified with index markings.
Convenient for storing CDs, game software, and books by genre.

Storage baskets available in a variety of sizes.
Since it has an index that allows you to see the contents at a glance, it is easy to see even when used on a high shelf.

Color: White
Width (mm): 16.8
Depth (mm): 29
Height (mm): 11.8



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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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