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Folder Box  B-FB340-C  IRIS

Folder Box B-FB340-C IRIS

【order ID】8186874
【basic item number】BFB340C
【brand name】IRIS
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】IRISOHYAMA INC.
【Country of origin】China,Japan

Since the bottom of the box is jagged cutting, files or documents are put into grooves and they are hard to fall.With 2 index spaces that can be seen from the top or the side, it can be easily recognized even in a desk drawer or a cabinet.It can be used as placing upright as well as horizontally, so documents can be easily put in/out.Color:ClearType:-W x D x H (mm):130 x 342 x 223Polypropylene

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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