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Gloves PE  8-1054-12  AS

Gloves PE 8-1054-12 AS

【order ID】8286421
【basic item number】8-1054-12
【brand name】AS
【minimum order quantity】1Pack
【manufacturer name】AS ONE Corporation.
【Country of origin】Japan
Securely protects from splashing chemicals, water, oil, and dirt.
Economical disposable gloves with no embossment and transparent type.


Color: Clear
Size: M
Total length (cm): 44.0
Palm circumference (cm): 24.0
Middle finger length (cm): 8.0
Thickness (mm): 0.03
Powder (with/without): None
Anti-slip: None Embossed: None Food Sanitation Law: Compliant product

No emboss
Food Sanitation Act compliant product

Polyethylene (PE)

【Set contents/accessories】

Price is per box.
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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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