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Diamond Riffler File  DF24RF017180  PFRED

Diamond Riffler File DF24RF017180 PFRED

【order ID】4866746
【basic item number】DF24RF017180
【brand name】PFRED
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】DKSH Management Ltd.
【Country of origin】Germany

Suitable for hard materials such as quenched steel, carbide, ceramic, and glass. Maintains long life and high precision for a long time.Equipped with a coating portion of 25mm on both sides.Ideal for processing of complex shapes and places that are difficult to reach.Hard materials such as quenched steel, carbide, ceramic, and glass.Shape:Round(?O)3Total Length (mm):150Blade Length (mm):25Handle Shape:SquareGrain Size: #120Steel Tools

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