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Diamond Handy File  DF2601DH535455  PFRED

Diamond Handy File DF2601DH535455 PFRED

【order ID】4866762
【basic item number】DF2601DH535455
【brand name】PFRED
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】DKSH Management Ltd.
【Country of origin】Germany

Due to having a forged shank, there is no need to use a handle in particular.Maintains precision for a long time and has an outstanding long life.Precision filing, chamfering, and burr removal of quenched steel, carbide, and ceramics, etc.Shape:Flat 10.3(width)x 2.8(thickness)Total Length (mm):215Blade Length (mm):100Handle Shape:SquareSteel Tools

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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