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Drill Chuck  AKL-195E  ANEX

Drill Chuck AKL-195E ANEX

【order ID】7536658
【basic item number】AKL195E
【brand name】ANEX
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】Kaneko Mfg Corporation
【Country of origin】Japan

A bit holder type with which, even if the shaft breaks, it can be replaced with an electric bit.Equipped with a release nut that supports biting of the end tool.Impact screwdrivers are also supported.A rubber grip that is easy on the hands.Chuck Capacity (mm):1.5 to 13Total Length (mm):121Bit size: 6.35mm hexagon shaftDrill chuck bodySingle-ended bit [[+]]2 x 53

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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