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Safety Rubber Gloves  ASAHI-555-S  WATABE

Safety Rubber Gloves ASAHI-555-S WATABE

【order ID】8202435
【basic item number】555S
【brand name】WATABE
【minimum order quantity】1Pair
【manufacturer name】WATABE KOGYO Co.,Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan

Excellent insulation and usability.By putting sleeves of insulated jumper type into gloves and overlapping protective equipment each other, they secure high safety.For preventing electric shock accidents during or around live wire work or works close to live wires.Size:STest Voltage (1min):20000VWorking voltage: 7000V or lessThickness: 1.6mmMinistry of Health, Labor and Welfare Certified ProductJIS Compatible Standard: T8112Periodic Voluntary Inspection: NecessaryNatural Rubber

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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